Facts on Medieval Knights


Facts on Medieval Knights


Medieval Crusaders

Medieval Knights and Crusaders

Step back into history get Medieval facts and information about the Medieval Knights of the
violent period of the Middle Ages

Medieval Knights - Facts on Medieval Knights

  • Medieval Knights
  • Facts on Medieval Knights
  • Read books from a history book club or watch the History Channel DVDs on Medieval Times
  • Interesting Facts and information via the Facts on Medieval Knights
  • Facts on Medieval Knights - Facts and interesting information about the life of a Medieval Knight in England and Europe
  • Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love
  • Medieval Knights Armor and Knights Armament
  • Medieval Knights Tournaments and Jousting
  • Facts on Medieval Knights



Facts and interesting information about the life and times of the
Medieval Knights of England - Facts on Medieval Knights

Fast Facts on Medieval Knights
There are many interesting facts that surround the life of Knights in Medieval Times. Some are interesting facts, some are strange facts and some are down right weird facts! The Medieval Knights were interesting!

Fast Facts on Medieval Knights
The Medieval Times encompass one of the most exciting periods in the History of England and Europe. The dynasty of the Middle Ages include Kings and Queens such as King Henry VIII and his daughters

  • Fact 1 - Fighting on piggyback introduced the young knights to the balance and skills required in mounted combat
  • Fact 2 - The more common warhorses used by Knights were like modern hunters and known as Destriers
  • Fact 3 - Knights often wore ladies' "favors", generally a scarf, veil, or sleeve, when jousting
  • Fact 4 - Sometimes a knight would appear with no heraldic markings
  • Fact 5 - The decline in jousting started with the invention of the musket firearm in 1520
  • Fact 6 - Training took 7 years as a page and another 7 years as a Squire before becoming a Knight
  • Fact 7 - Knights met each other at combined speeds of 60 mph when jousting
  • Fact 8 - Lances were measured, so no one knight had a longer lance
  • Fact 9 - The word Squire is derived from the French words "Esquire, Escuyer" which originally meant 'shield bearer'
  • Fact 10 - The death-blow a knight gave to his mortally wounded opponent was called a Coup de Grace
  • Fact 11 - Pavilions were the name given to the bright, round medieval tents of alternating colors which housed the knights and their surgeons
  • Fact 12 - 'Dubbing' was a blow struck with the flat of the hand or the side of the sword and was regarded as an essential act of the knighting ceremony
  • Fact 13- At the end of the Knighthood ceremony a Knight could claim the title "Sir"
  • Fact 14 - A disgraced Knight had his spurs hacked off and his shield was hung upside down as a sign of dishonor
  • Fact 15 - Full Plate Armour was introduced during the 15th century weighing approximately 50 lbs
  • Fact 16 - Of the seventeen entries in the Knights Code of Chivalry, according to the Song of Roland, at least twelve relate to acts of chivalry as opposed to combat
  • Fact 17 - The Joust was an individual tournament event whereas the Melee was a team event
  • Fact 18 - A vassal or squire was employed by the Knight to act as his 'Kipper'. A Kipper was expected to collect the 'Spoils of Combat' during a tournament
  • Fact 19 - A grandstand, called a Berfrois, was built a full story above the level of the lists which housed the ladies and other noble spectators of jousting tournaments
  • Fact 20 - The Knight's warhorse was armored and trained to kill. These massive horses were called Destriers.

Facts on Medieval Knights
The Medieval Times website provides interesting facts, history and information about knights of old  which scatter the Medieval History books including Facts on Medieval Knights. The Medieval Times Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts about the fascinating subject of the lives of the people who lived during the historical period of the Middle Ages. The content of this article on Medieval life and times provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework for history courses and history coursework.


Medieval Knights - Facts on Medieval Knights

  • Medieval Knights
  • Facts on Medieval Knights
  • Read books from a history book club or watch the History Channel DVDs on Medieval Times
  • Interesting Facts and information via the Facts on Medieval Knights
  • Facts on Medieval Knights - Facts and interesting information about the life of a Medieval Knight in England and Europe
  • Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love
  • Medieval Knights Tournaments and Jousting
  • Facts on Medieval Knights

Helpful information for history courses and history coursework - Read History Books - Facts on Medieval Knights - Medieval Society - Realms - Medival - Lives - England - Britain - Uk - Britons - Medieval Times - Middle Ages - History - Information - Facts - Info - Era - Life - Times - Period - Age - Culture - Society - Education - Midieval - Knights - Knights Templar - Medieval Knights - Knight Online - Jousting - Armor - Armour - Costume - Battle - Fighting - Medival Era and Period - Facts on Medieval Knights - History Channel DVDs - Written By Linda Alchin