Cor Anglais


Cor Anglais


Medieval Musicians

Medieval Musicians


Step back into history get Medieval facts and information about music, composers and musicians in the Middle Ages

Medieval Music - Cor Anglais

  • Read books from a history book club or watch the History Channel DVDs on Medieval Times
  • Music in Medieval Times
  • Musical Instruments
  • Definition of Cor Anglais
  • Medival Music and Instruments
  • Type of Instrument
  • History, facts and information



Cor Anglais

History, Facts and interesting information about Medieval music, specifically, Cor Anglais

Definition and Description of the Cor Anglais
Definition and description of the Cor Anglais: Another name commonly used for the Cor Anglais is the English Horn. However, despite its name it is not a horn - it is more similar to an oboe. The Cor Anglais can be described as a double-reed woodwind instrument similar to an oboe, but lower in pitch. The cor anglais differs slightly in construction from the oboe; the conical bore of the wooden tube is wider and slightly longer, and there is a larger globular bell and a bent metal crook to which the double reed mouthpiece is attached. The origin of the name derives from the French meaning 'English Horn' or could have been derived from a corruption of 'cor angle' which was given on account of the angular bend of the early instruments of this type. A woodwind instrument formerly much in use it had evolved from the Shawm which was gradually developed into the hautboy which was in turn  improved and provided with key-work. It is not known exactly when the change took place.

Family of Instruments: The Cor Anglais belongs to the family of Woodwind instruments.

Cor Anglais

Cor Anglais

Medieval Musical Instruments - Cor Anglais
Medieval Musical instruments, including the Cor Anglais, would be used by the musicians of the period including the Waits, Minstrels or Troubadours. There were three categories of musical instruments in the Middle Ages - wind, string and percussion.
Terms of description were Bas instruments and Haut instruments. Bas referred to soft instruments (literally, "low," but referring to volume, not pitch) which were suitable for the chamber which included the vielle, rebec and other bowed strings, the lute and other plucked strings. Haut referred to loud instruments (literally "high" but referring to volume, not to pitch) which were suitable for outdoors which included the shawm, sackbut, pipe and tabor. Read the above history, facts and information about the Cor Anglais.

Musicians Medieval

The Waits

Medieval Music - Cor Anglais
The Medieval Times website provides interesting facts, history and information about the musicians and styles of music which scatter the history books including Cor Anglais. The Medieval Life and Times Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts about the fascinating subject of the lives of the people who lived during the historical period of the Middle Ages. The content of this article on Cor Anglais provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework for history courses and history coursework.



Medieval Music - Cor Anglais

  • Read books from a history book club or watch the History Channel DVDs on Medieval Times
  • Music in Medieval Times
  • Musical Instruments
  • Definition of Cor Anglais
  • Medival Music and Instruments
  • Type of Instrument
  • History, facts and information

Helpful information for history courses and history coursework - Read History Books - Medieval Music - Musical Instruments - Troubadours - Musicians - Minstrels - Composers - Medieval Society - Realms - Medival - Lives -  Medival Era and Period - Cor Anglais - History - Information - Facts - Info - Medieval Period - Medieval - Middle Ages Music - Dark Ages - Information about Cor Anglais - Cor Anglais Facts - Cor Anglais Info - Medieval Times - Cor Anglais - Medieval Music - Musical Instruments - Troubadours - Musicians - Minstrels - Composers - Medival Era and Period - History Channel DVDs - Written By Linda Alchin